Monday, November 10, 2008

2008 IANS Pacific Information Security Forum

Rocky DeStefano will participate as faculty at the IANS 2008 Pacific Information Security Forum in San Francisco Dec 2-3, 2008.

If you’re not sure if IANS can add value to your organization, take a look at the faculty. Trust me, even a few minutes with these folks is an amazing experience.

The IANS Pacific Forum is in San Francisco, December 2-3 2008 at the SF Marriott. If you’re in the area during that time - please register.

This is one of the very few public presentations I do and I love the format, thoroughly enjoy the discussions with the IANS faculty, appreciate the interactive participation with great attendees and always have a great time at these events. Can’t wait for this one!

I will be staying in the SF Bay area the through the 5th to meet with customers, SIEM and Log Management vendors and anyone else who would like to catch up! email me if you want to get together!


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